Multi-select titles mode
Added this in today as a button next to the titles. Hopefully this works like you expected. *Side note: you can't edit titles in this mode since you can only select them.
Gwilym Sims-Williams
Brett this is fantastic, thank you so much!! Makes title selection much easier.
Honestly a good idea. Id probably implement it the same way as the multi select thumbnails, but you couldn't have multi thumbs and multi titles on at the same time 🤔. I'll get to work on this, thanks for the suggestion.
Gwilym Sims-Williams
Thanks Brett! A toggle button next to the multi select thumbnails that would switch to all titles + just first thumbnail (then you can switch between single thumbnails) would be pretty intuitive I imagine. OR that button could be above the title list.
Gwilym Sims-Williams
Just dropping in to say - this has been super useful Brett, thanks for implementing!